Source code for tonic.functional.event_downsampling

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import unstructured_to_structured

from tonic.functional.to_frame import to_frame_numpy

[docs]def differentiator_downsample(events: np.ndarray, sensor_size: tuple, target_size: tuple, dt: float, differentiator_time_bins: int = 2, noise_threshold: int = 0): """Spatio-temporally downsample using the integrator method coupled with a differentiator to effectively downsample large object sizes relative to downsampled pixel resolution in the DVS camera's visual field. Incorporates the paper Ghosh et al. 2023, Insect-inspired Spatio-temporal Downsampling of Event-based Input, Parameters: events (ndarray): ndarray of shape [num_events, num_event_channels]. sensor_size (tuple): a 3-tuple of x,y,p for sensor_size. target_size (tuple): a 2-tuple of x,y denoting new down-sampled size for events to be re-scaled to (new_width, new_height). dt (float): step size for simulation, in ms. differentiator_time_bins (int): number of equally spaced time bins with respect to the dt to be used for the differentiator. noise_threshold (int): number of events before a spike representing a new event is emitted. Returns: the spatio-temporally downsampled input events using the differentiator method. """ assert "x" and "y" and "t" in events.dtype.names assert np.logical_and(np.remainder(differentiator_time_bins, 1) == 0, differentiator_time_bins >= 1) events = events.copy() # Call integrator method dt_scaling, events_integrated = integrator_downsample(events, sensor_size=sensor_size, target_size=target_size, dt=(dt / differentiator_time_bins), noise_threshold=noise_threshold, differentiator_call=True) if dt_scaling: dt *= 1000 num_frames = int(events_integrated[-1][0] // dt + 1) frame_histogram = np.zeros((num_frames, *np.flip(target_size), 2)) for event in events_integrated: differentiated_time, event_histogram = event time = int(differentiated_time // dt) # Separate events based on polarity and apply Heaviside event_hist_pos = (np.maximum(event_histogram >= noise_threshold, 0)).clip(max=1) event_hist_neg = (-np.minimum(-event_histogram >= noise_threshold, 0)).clip(max=1) frame_histogram[time,...,1] += event_hist_pos frame_histogram[time,...,0] += event_hist_neg # Differences between subsequent frames frame_differences = (np.diff(frame_histogram, axis=0)).clip(min=0) # Restructuring numpy array to structured array time_index, y_new, x_new, polarity_new = np.nonzero(frame_differences) events_new = np.column_stack((x_new, y_new, polarity_new.astype(dtype=bool), time_index * dt)) names = ["x", "y", "p", "t"] formats = ['i4', 'i4', 'i4', 'i4'] dtype = np.dtype({'names': names, 'formats': formats}) return unstructured_to_structured(events_new.copy(), dtype=dtype)
[docs]def integrator_downsample(events: np.ndarray, sensor_size: tuple, target_size: tuple, dt: float, noise_threshold: int = 0, differentiator_call: bool = False): """Spatio-temporally downsample using with the following steps: 1. Differencing of ON and OFF events to counter camera shake or jerk. 2. Use an integrate-and-fire (I-F) neuron model with a noise threshold similar to the membrane potential threshold in the I-F model to eliminate high-frequency noise. Multiply x/y values by a spatial_factor obtained by dividing sensor size by the target size. Parameters: events (ndarray): ndarray of shape [num_events, num_event_channels]. sensor_size (tuple): a 3-tuple of x,y,p for sensor_size. target_size (tuple): a 2-tuple of x,y denoting new down-sampled size for events to be re-scaled to (new_width, new_height). dt (float): temporal resolution of events in milliseconds. noise_threshold (int): number of events before a spike representing a new event is emitted. differentiator_call (bool): Preserve frame spikes for differentiator method in order to optimise differentiator method. Returns: the spatio-temporally downsampled input events using the integrator method. """ assert "x" and "y" and "t" in events.dtype.names assert isinstance(noise_threshold, int) assert dt is not None events = events.copy() if np.issubdtype(events["t"].dtype, np.integer): dt *= 1000 dt_scaling = True if differentiator_call: assert dt // events["t"][-1] == 0 # Downsample spatial_factor = np.asarray(target_size) / sensor_size[:-1] events["x"] = events["x"] * spatial_factor[0] events["y"] = events["y"] * spatial_factor[1] # Compute all histograms at once all_frame_histograms = to_frame_numpy(events, sensor_size=(*target_size, 2), time_window=dt) # Subtract the channels for ON/OFF differencing frame_histogram_diffs = all_frame_histograms[:, 1] - all_frame_histograms[:, 0] frame_spike = np.zeros(np.flip(target_size)) event_histogram = [] events_new = [] for time, frame_histogram in enumerate(frame_histogram_diffs): frame_spike += frame_histogram coordinates_pos = np.stack(np.nonzero(np.maximum(frame_spike >= noise_threshold, 0))).T coordinates_neg = np.stack(np.nonzero(np.maximum(-frame_spike >= noise_threshold, 0))).T if np.logical_or(coordinates_pos.size, coordinates_neg.size).sum(): # For optimising differentiator event_histogram.append((time*dt, frame_spike.copy())) # Reset spiking coordinates to zero frame_spike[coordinates_pos[:,0], coordinates_pos[:,1]] = 0 frame_spike[coordinates_neg[:,0], coordinates_neg[:,1]] = 0 # Restructure events events_new.append(np.column_stack((np.flip(coordinates_pos, axis=1), np.ones((coordinates_pos.shape[0],1)).astype(dtype=bool), (time*dt)*np.ones((coordinates_pos.shape[0],1))))) events_new.append(np.column_stack((np.flip(coordinates_neg, axis=1), np.zeros((coordinates_neg.shape[0],1)).astype(dtype=bool), (time*dt)*np.ones((coordinates_neg.shape[0],1))))) if differentiator_call: return dt_scaling, event_histogram else: events_new = np.concatenate(events_new.copy()) names = ["x", "y", "p", "t"] formats = ['i4', 'i4', 'i4', 'i4'] dtype = np.dtype({'names': names, 'formats': formats}) return unstructured_to_structured(events_new.copy(), dtype=dtype)