
class tonic.prototype.datasets.Gen1AutomotiveDetection(root: PathLike, split: str = 'train', shuffle: bool = False)[source]#

Gen1 Automotive Detection Dataset

To download the data, you’ll need to agree to Prophesee’s Terms and Conditions.

Then, the steps to acquire the data can be as follows:

Download the torrent file for the dataset:

-O Gen1Prophesee.torrent

Download the data using peer-to-peer connections. On Linux this can be done using aria2c on the command line:

aria2c Gen1Prophesee.torrent

This will download several 7z archives for training and testing. We’ll need to unpack them manually by looping over the 7z files and feeding them to 7z:

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
for i in *.7z; do 7z x $i; done
  • root (string) – Location to decompressed archive.

  • split (str) – Can be ‘train’ (default), ‘valid’ or ‘test’.

  • shuffle (bool) – If True, the dataset will be shuffled randomly.