Source code for tonic.datasets.tum_vie

import os
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

import h5py
import numpy as np

from tonic.dataset import Dataset
from tonic.download_utils import (
from import make_structured_array

[docs]class TUMVIE(Dataset): """`TUM-VIE <>`_ TUM-VIE is an event camera dataset for developing 3D perception and navigation algorithms. It contains handheld and head-mounted sequences in indoor and outdoor environments with rapid motion during sports and high dynamic range. TUM-VIE includes challenging sequences where state-of-the art VIO fails or results in large drift. Hence, it can help to push the boundary on event-based visual-inertial algorithms. The dataset contains: * Stereo event data Prophesee Gen4 HD (1280x720 pixels) * Stereo grayscale frames at 20Hz (1024x1024 pixels) * IMU data at 200Hz * 6dof motion capture data at 120Hz (beginning and end of each sequence) Timestamps between all sensors are synchronized in hardware. .. note:: To be able to read this dataset, you will need `hdf5plugin` and `PIL` packages installed. .. note:: Use `bike-night` instead of `bike-dark` in the list of recordings if you want that specific one. :: @string{iros="International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)"} @inproceedings{klenk2021tumvie, author = {S Klenk and J Chui and N Demmel and D Cremers}, title = {TUM-VIE: The TUM Stereo Visual-Inertial Event Dataset}, eprint = {2108.07329}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprintclass = {cs.CV}, booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, year = {2021}, keywords = {tumvie, event camera, dynamic vision sensor, SLAM, vslam}, } Parameters: save_to (string): Location to save files to on disk. Will save files in a sub folder 'davis_dataset'. recording (string): Use the name of the recording or a list thereof to download it, for example 'skate-hard' or ['skate-hard', 'bike-easy']. See project homepage for a list of available recordings. Can use 'all' to download all available recordings. transform (callable, optional): A callable of transforms to apply to events and/or images. target_transform (callable, optional): A callable of transforms to apply to the targets/labels. transforms (callable, optional): A callable of transforms that is applied to both data and labels at the same time. """ base_url = "" recordings = [ "mocap-1d-trans", "mocap-3d-trans", "mocap-6dof", "mocap-desk", "mocap-desk2", "mocap-shake", "mocap-shake2", "office-maze", "running-easy", "running-hard", "skate-easy", "skate-hard", "loop-floor0", "loop-floor1", "loop-floor2", "loop-floor3", "floor2-dark", "slide", "bike-easy", "bike-hard", "bike-night", ] filenames = ["events_left.h5", "events_right.h5", "vi_gt_data.tar.gz"] sensor_size = (1280, 720, 2) dtype = np.dtype([("p", int), ("t", int), ("x", int), ("y", int)]) ordering = dtype.names folder_name = "" def __init__( self, save_to: str, recording: Union[str, List[str]], transform: Optional[Callable] = None, target_transform: Optional[Callable] = None, transforms: Optional[Callable] = None, ): super().__init__( save_to, transform=transform, target_transform=target_transform, transforms=transforms, ) if recording == "all" or ["all"]: self.selection = self.recordings else: self.selection = recording if type(recording) == list else [recording] for recording in self.selection: if recording not in self.recordings: raise RuntimeError(f"Recording {recording} is not available.") self._check_exists()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Returns: tuple of (data, target), where data is a dictionary of (events_left, events_right, imu) and targets is a dictionary of (images_left, images_right, mocap). """ base_folder = os.path.join(self.location_on_system, self.selection[index]) import hdf5plugin # necessary to read event files from PIL import Image # necessary to read images events_left_file = h5py.File( os.path.join(base_folder, self.selection[index] + "-events_left.h5") )["events"] events_left = make_structured_array( events_left_file["p"][()], events_left_file["t"][()], events_left_file["x"][()], events_left_file["y"][()], dtype=self.dtype, ) events_right_file = h5py.File( os.path.join(base_folder, self.selection[index] + "-events_right.h5") )["events"] events_right = make_structured_array( events_right_file["p"][()], events_right_file["t"][()], events_right_file["x"][()], events_right_file["y"][()], dtype=self.dtype, ) imu_data = [] with open(os.path.join(base_folder, "imu_data.txt")) as f: header = f.readline() for line in f.readlines(): imu_data.append([float(num) for num in line.split()]) imu_data = np.array(imu_data) mocap_data = [] with open(os.path.join(base_folder, "mocap_data.txt")) as f: header = f.readline() for line in f.readlines(): mocap_data.append([float(num) for num in line.split()]) mocap_data = np.array(mocap_data) # images images_left_filenames = list_files( os.path.join(base_folder, "left_images"), ".jpg", prefix=True ) images_left = np.stack( [np.array( for file in images_left_filenames] ) with open( os.path.join(base_folder, "left_images", "image_timestamps_left.txt") ) as f: images_left_timestamps = np.array( [float(line) for line in f.readlines()[1:]] ) images_left_timestamps -= images_left_timestamps[0] images_right_filenames = list_files( os.path.join(base_folder, "right_images"), ".jpg", prefix=True ) images_right = np.stack( [np.array( for file in images_right_filenames] ) with open( os.path.join(base_folder, "right_images", "image_timestamps_right.txt") ) as f: images_right_timestamps = np.array( [float(line) for line in f.readlines()[1:]] ) images_right_timestamps -= images_right_timestamps[0] data = { "events_left": events_left, "events_right": events_right, "imu": imu_data, } targets = { "images_left": {"frames": images_left, "ts": images_left_timestamps}, "images_right": {"frames": images_right, "ts": images_right_timestamps}, "mocap": mocap_data, } if self.transform is not None: data = self.transform(data) if self.target_transform is not None: targets = self.target_transform(targets) if self.transforms is not None: data, targets = self.transforms(data, targets) return data, targets
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.selection)
def _check_exists(self): for recording in self.selection: file_folder = os.path.join(self.location_on_system, recording) os.makedirs(file_folder, exist_ok=True) for filename in self.filenames: if check_integrity( os.path.join(file_folder, f"{recording}-{filename}") ): continue url = f"{self.base_url}{recording}/{recording}-{filename}" if filename.endswith("tar.gz"): download_and_extract_archive(url, file_folder) else: download_url(url, file_folder)