Source code for tonic.datasets.s_mnist

import os
from struct import unpack

import numpy as np

from tonic.dataset import Dataset
from tonic.download_utils import check_integrity, download_and_extract_archive
from import make_structured_array

[docs]class SMNIST(Dataset): """Spiking sequential `MNIST <>`_ Sequential MNIST (sMNIST) is a standard benchmark task for time series classification where each input consists of sequences of 784 pixel values created by unrolling the MNIST digits, pixel by pixel. In this spiking version, each of the 99 input neurons is associated with a particular threshold for the grey value, and this input neuron fires whenever the grey value crosses its threshold in the transition from the previous to the current pixel. Parameters: save_to (string): Location to save files to on disk. train (bool): If True, uses training subset, otherwise testing subset. duplicate (bool): If True, emits two spikes per threshold crossing num_neurons (integer): How many neurons to use to encode thresholds(must be odd) dt (float): Duration(in microseconds) of each timestep transform (callable, optional): A callable of transforms to apply to the data. target_transform (callable, optional): A callable of transforms to apply to the targets/labels. Returns: A dataset object that can be indexed or iterated over. One sample returns a tuple of (events, targets). """ base_url = "" train_images_file = "train-images-idx3-ubyte" train_labels_file = "train-labels-idx1-ubyte" test_images_file = "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte" test_labels_file = "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte" train_images_md5 = "f68b3c2dcbeaaa9fbdd348bbdeb94873" train_labels_md5 = "d53e105ee54ea40749a09fcbcd1e9432" test_images_md5 = "9fb629c4189551a2d022fa330f9573f3" test_labels_md5 = "ec29112dd5afa0611ce80d1b7f02629c" dtype = np.dtype([("t", int), ("x", int), ("p", int)]) ordering = dtype.names classes = [ "0 - zero", "1 - one", "2 - two", "3 - three", "4 - four", "5 - five", "6 - six", "7 - seven", "8 - eight", "9 - nine", ] def __init__( self, save_to, train=True, duplicate=True, num_neurons=99, dt=1000.0, transform=None, target_transform=None, ): super(SMNIST, self).__init__( save_to, transform=transform, target_transform=target_transform ) self.location_on_system = os.path.join(save_to, "smnist") self.train = train self.duplicate = duplicate self.sensor_size = (num_neurons, 1, 1) self.dt = dt if (num_neurons % 2) == 0: raise Exception("Number of neurons must be odd") if train: self.images_file = self.train_images_file self.labels_file = self.train_labels_file self.images_md5 = self.train_images_md5 self.labels_md5 = self.train_labels_md5 else: self.images_file = self.test_images_file self.labels_file = self.test_labels_file self.images_md5 = self.test_images_md5 self.labels_md5 = self.test_labels_md5 if not self._check_exists(): # Open images file with open(os.path.join(self.location_on_system, self.images_file), "rb") as f: image_data = # Unpack header from first 16 bytes of buffer and verify magic, num_items, num_rows, num_cols = unpack(">IIII", image_data[:16]) assert magic == 2051 assert num_rows == 28 assert num_cols == 28 # Convert remainder of buffer to numpy bytes self.image_data = np.frombuffer(image_data[16:], dtype=np.uint8) # Reshape data into individual (flattened) images self.image_data = np.reshape(self.image_data, (num_items, 28 * 28)) # Open labels file with open(os.path.join(self.location_on_system, self.labels_file), "rb") as f: label_data = # Unpack header from first 8 bytes of buffer and verify magic, num_items = unpack(">II", label_data[:8]) assert magic == 2049 # Convert remainder of buffer to numpy bytes self.label_data = np.frombuffer(label_data[8:], dtype=np.uint8) assert self.label_data.shape == (self.image_data.shape[0],)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): image = self.image_data[index] # Determine how many neurons should encode onset and offset half_size = self.sensor_size[0] // 2 # Determine thresholds of each neuron thresholds = np.linspace(0.0, 254.0, half_size).astype(np.uint8) # Determine for which pixels each neuron is above or below its threshol lower = image[:, None] < thresholds[None, :] higher = image[:, None] >= thresholds[None, :] # Get onsets and offset (transitions between lower and higher) spike times and ids on_spike_time, on_spike_idx = np.where(np.logical_and(lower[:-1], higher[1:])) off_spike_time, off_spike_idx = np.where(np.logical_and(higher[:-1], lower[1:])) off_spike_idx += half_size # Get times when image is 255 and create matching neuron if touch_spike_time = np.where(image == 255)[0] touch_spike_idx = ( np.ones(touch_spike_time.shape, dtype=np.int64) * self.sensor_size[0] ) # Combine all spike times and ids together spike_time = np.concatenate((on_spike_time, off_spike_time, touch_spike_time)) spike_idx = np.concatenate((on_spike_idx, off_spike_idx, touch_spike_idx)) spike_idx = self.sensor_size[0] - spike_idx # Sort, first by spike time and then by spike index spike_order = np.lexsort((spike_idx, spike_time)) spike_time = spike_time[spike_order] spike_idx = spike_idx[spike_order] # If we should duplicate each spike if self.duplicate: # Repeat spike indices spike_idx = np.repeat(spike_idx, 2) # Double spike times double_spike_time = spike_time * 2 # Interleave spike_time = np.empty(2 * double_spike_time.shape[0], dtype=np.int64) spike_time[0::2] = double_spike_time spike_time[1::2] = double_spike_time + 1 # stack and add artificial polarity of 1 events = make_structured_array( spike_time * self.dt, spike_idx, 1, dtype=self.dtype ) target = self.label_data[index] if self.transform is not None: events = self.transform(events) if self.target_transform is not None: target = self.target_transform(target) return events, target
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.image_data.shape[0]
[docs] def download(self): for (f, m) in [(self.images_file, self.images_md5), (self.labels_file, self.labels_md5)]: download_and_extract_archive( self.base_url + f + ".gz", self.location_on_system, filename=f + ".gz", md5=m )
def _are_labels_present(self) -> bool: """Check if the label file is present on disk. No hashing. """ return check_integrity(os.path.join(self.location_on_system, self.labels_file)) def _are_images_present(self) -> bool: """Check if the images file is present on disk. No hashing. """ return check_integrity(os.path.join(self.location_on_system, self.images_file)) def _check_exists(self): return ( self._are_labels_present() and self._are_images_present() )