Source code for tonic.datasets.mvsec

import os
from typing import Callable, Optional

import numpy as np
from importRosbag.importRosbag import importRosbag

from tonic.dataset import Dataset
from tonic.download_utils import check_integrity, download_url
from import make_structured_array

[docs]class MVSEC(Dataset): """`MVSEC <>`_ :: @article{zihao2018multi, title={The Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset: An Event Camera Dataset for 3D Perception}, author={Zihao Zhu, Alex and Thakur, Dinesh and Ozaslan, Tolga and Pfrommer, Bernd and Kumar, Vijay and Daniilidis, Kostas}, journal={arXiv e-prints}, pages={arXiv--1801}, year={2018} } Parameters: save_to (string): Location to save files to on disk. scene (string): Choose one of 4 scenes: outdoor_night, outdoor_day, indoor_flying, motorcycle. If you already have the data on your system, make sure to place the .bag files in a subfolder 'MVSEC/{scene}/bag_files.bag'. transform (callable, optional): A callable of transforms to apply to events and / or images for both left and right cameras. target_transform (callable, optional): A callable of transforms to apply to the targets/labels. transforms (callable, optional): A callable of transforms that is applied to both data and labels at the same time. """ resources = { "outdoor_night": [ ["outdoor_night1_data.bag", "534bea503649eeb2801316704d6ab041"], ["outdoor_night1_gt.bag", "7e169e4048307e01f1a7ba5931ca7d4d"], ["outdoor_night2_data.bag", "371ff73324ba94ecb368b4c220dc8e54"], ["outdoor_night2_gt.bag", "d235d28f1c93203a1d7738f8e7a67ca3"], ["outdoor_night3_data.bag", "fc40889a48de7b28e6e2506125b229ac"], ["outdoor_night3_gt.bag", "2bbdffc94f8dd54f71486fcecfc82fe6"], ], "motorcycle": [ ["motorcycle_data.bag", "ae1d929563c63c4d15e0e3d3412d41c4"], ["motorcycle_gt.bag", "bebf1cd58837abd1ca625ba219b47388"], ], "indoor_flying": [ ["indoor_flying1_data.bag", "fd01f35eb52a754e8195d478ed2a00a2"], ["indoor_flying1_gt.bag", "277b97ad46f9dba3896f651ca47297aa"], ["indoor_flying2_data.bag", "015ac75086b248167e9602b72485e0eb"], ["indoor_flying2_gt.bag", "3c7ba64cd7bede77b1809cc151e54ed2"], ["indoor_flying3_data.bag", "fda3408d3c72b2d7445540e5bdbd6396"], ["indoor_flying3_gt.bag", "cae5648c84ec09d0316a8d4805dee62e"], ["indoor_flying4_data.bag", "30ba3a744dcd4408fc4102e88c636acc"], ["indoor_flying4_gt.bag", "f050c886fb34f3890fcf85680e267a21"], ], "outdoor_day": [ ["outdoor_day1_data.bag", "7438c34b71d08ff38f52cef68834e9be"], ["outdoor_day1_gt.bag", "36ec3dcd0a222c4c2102641a2dc91ff0"], ["outdoor_day2_data.bag", "536d20bc59720b995df49f925f96b74d"], ["outdoor_day2_gt.bag", "69fb399411d7098b3e2cf3850f593e7b"], ], } base_url = "" sensor_size = (346, 260, 2) dtype = np.dtype([("x", int), ("y", int), ("t", int), ("p", int)]) ordering = dtype.names def __init__( self, save_to: str, scene: str, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, target_transform: Optional[Callable] = None, transforms: Optional[Callable] = None, ): super().__init__( save_to, transform=transform, target_transform=target_transform, transforms=transforms, ) self.scene = scene if not scene in self.resources.keys(): raise RuntimeError( f"Scene {scene} is not available or in the wrong format. Select one of: indoor_flying, outdoor_day, outdoor_night, motorcycle." ) if not self._check_exists():
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Returns: tuple of (data, targets), where data is another tuple of (events_left, events_right, imu_left, imu_right, images_left, images_right) and targets is a tuple of (depth_rect_left, depth_rect_right, pose) for ground truths. """ # decode data file filename = os.path.join( self.location_on_system, self.scene, self.resources[self.scene][index * 2][0], ) topics = importRosbag(filename, log="ERROR") events_left = topics["/davis/left/events"] events_left["ts"] -= events_left["ts"][0] events_left["ts"] *= 1e6 events_left = make_structured_array( events_left["x"], events_left["y"], events_left["ts"], events_left["pol"], dtype=self.dtype, ) events_right = topics["/davis/right/events"] events_right["ts"] -= events_right["ts"][0] events_right["ts"] *= 1e6 events_right = make_structured_array( events_right["x"], events_right["y"], events_right["ts"], events_right["pol"], dtype=self.dtype, ) imu_left = topics["/davis/left/imu"] imu_right = topics["/davis/right/imu"] images_left = topics["/davis/left/image_raw"] images_left = np.stack(images_left["frames"]) images_right = topics["/davis/right/image_raw"] images_right = np.stack(images_right["frames"]) data = events_left, events_right, imu_left, imu_right, images_left, images_right # decode ground truth file filename = os.path.join( self.location_on_system, self.scene, self.resources[self.scene][index * 2 + 1][0], ) topics = importRosbag(filename, log="ERROR") depth_left = topics["/davis/left/depth_image_raw"] depth_left = np.stack(depth_left["frames"]) depth_right = topics["/davis/right/depth_image_raw"] depth_right = np.stack(depth_right["frames"]) depth_rect_left = topics["/davis/left/depth_image_rect"] depth_rect_left = np.stack(depth_rect_left["frames"]) depth_rect_right = topics["/davis/right/depth_image_rect"] depth_rect_right = np.stack(depth_rect_right["frames"]) pose = topics["/davis/left/pose"] targets = depth_rect_left, depth_rect_right, pose if self.transform is not None: data = self.transform(data) if self.target_transform is not None: targets = self.transform(targets) if self.transforms is not None: data, targets = self.transforms(data, targets) return data, targets
[docs] def __len__(self): # divided by two because of data and ground truth file per recording return len(self.resources[self.scene]) // 2
[docs] def download(self): for (filename, md5_hash) in self.resources[self.scene]: download_url( url=os.path.join(self.base_url, self.scene, filename), root=os.path.join(self.location_on_system, self.scene), filename=filename, md5=md5_hash, )
def _check_exists(self): files_present = list( [ check_integrity( os.path.join(self.location_on_system, self.scene, filename) ) for (filename, md5_hash) in self.resources[self.scene] ] ) return all(files_present)