Source code for tonic.datasets.ebssa

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np

from tonic.dataset import Dataset
from import events_struct, make_structured_array

[docs]class EBSSA(Dataset): """`EBSSA <>`_ There are six different splits provided in this dataset. The labelled section of the dataset contains 84 recordings and 84 label files. The unlabelled section of the dataset contains 153 recordings in folders marked "Unlabelled". :: @article{afshar2020event, title={Event-based object detection and tracking for space situational awareness}, author={Afshar, Saeed and Nicholson, Andrew Peter and Van Schaik, Andre and Cohen, Gregory}, journal={IEEE Sensors Journal}, volume={20}, number={24}, pages={15117--15132}, year={2020}, publisher={IEEE} } Parameters: save_to (string): Location to save files to on disk. split (string): Which split to load. One of "labelled", "unlabelled", "all". transform (callable, optional): A callable of transforms to apply to the data. target_transform (callable, optional): A callable of transforms to apply to the targets/labels. transforms (callable, optional): A callable of transforms that is applied to both data and labels at the same time. """ # These are Google drive file IDs found by right clicking on the file and selecting "Get shareable link" file_id = "1lCh2HWvxEzzaBHT5TlPuyUn6XPM5OVWN" folder_name = "" file_name = "labelled_ebssa.h5" sensor_size = (240, 180, 2) dtype = events_struct ordering = dtype.names def __init__( self, save_to: str, split: str = "labelled", transform: Optional[Callable] = None, target_transform: Optional[Callable] = None, transforms: Optional[Callable] = None, ): super().__init__( save_to, transform=transform, target_transform=target_transform, transforms=transforms, ) self.split = split if split != "labelled": raise NotImplementedError("Only labelled split is supported at the moment") if not self._check_exists(): file = h5py.File(Path(self.location_on_system) / self.file_name, "r") self.keys = list(file.keys())
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """ Returns: (events, target) where target is dict of bounding box and recording id. """ file = h5py.File(Path(self.location_on_system) / self.file_name, "r") data = file[self.keys[index]] td = data["TD"] t = td["ts"][()].flatten() x = td["x"][()].flatten() - 1 y = td["y"][()].flatten() - 1 p = td["p"][()].flatten() events = make_structured_array(x, y, t, p) sensor_x_max, sensor_y_max = events["x"].max() + 1, events["y"].max() + 1 start_ts = float(events["t"][0]) events["t"] = events["t"] - start_ts if "Obj" in list(data.keys()): obj = data["Obj"] annotation_time_window = 10_000 bb_width = 10 obj_t = obj["ts"][()].flatten() - start_ts obj_t = (obj_t / annotation_time_window).round() * annotation_time_window x_min = obj["x"][()].flatten() - 1 - bb_width / 2 x_min = x_min.clip(min=0) y_min = obj["y"][()].flatten() - 1 - bb_width / 2 y_min = y_min.clip(min=0) obj_id = obj["id"][()].flatten() x_max = x_min + bb_width x_max = x_max.clip(max=sensor_x_max - 1) y_max = y_min + bb_width y_max = y_max.clip(max=sensor_y_max - 1) dtype = np.dtype( [ ("t", np.int64), ("x_min", float), ("y_min", float), ("x_max", float), ("y_max", float), ("id", np.uint8), ] ) bbox = make_structured_array( obj_t, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, obj_id, dtype=dtype ) else: bbox = None target = { "bbox": bbox, "recording_id": self.keys[index], } if self.transform is not None: events = self.transform(events) if self.target_transform is not None: target = self.target_transform(target) if self.transforms is not None: events, target = self.transforms(events, target) return events, target
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.keys)
def _check_exists(self): return self._folder_contains_at_least_n_files_of_type(1, ".h5")
[docs] def download(self): import gdown Path(self.location_on_system).mkdir(exist_ok=True) id = self.file_id if not Path(self.location_on_system, id).exists():, quiet=False)